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Postgraduate Students






Undergraduate Students

Postgraduate students



عن القسم الانكليزي

المؤتمر الدولي الثالث - مصر 2017




عقد القسم المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لهندسة البناء والانشاءات والبيئة حيث تم تنظيم هذا المؤتمر في جمهورية مصر العربية من قبل قسم الهندسة المدنية في الجامعة التكنولوجية بالتعاون والمشاركة مع جامعة المنوفية في مصر  خلال الفترة من 23ولغاية 25من شهر تشرين الأول 2017. علما ان المؤتمر تضمن معارض تخصصية تغطي كافة محاور المؤتمر اضافة الى ورش عمل متخصصة.

 علما انه تم عرض اكثر من 200 بحث علمي ضمن محاور المؤتمر المدرجة ادناه: 

1. Structural Engineering.
2. Building Materials Engineering.
3. Structural Projects Management Engineering.
4. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.
5. Highways and Airports Engineering.
6. Geomatics Engineering (Surveying, Photogrammetry, and Remote Sensing).
7. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering.
8. Water Resources Engineering.
9. Sustainable Developments in the Building and Construction and Environment Sectors.
10. Applications of Nanotechnology in Building and Construction and Environmental.

The 4th International Conference for Building, Construction and Environment Engineering (2)


The 4th International Conference for Building, Construction and Environment Engineering held in Istanbul / Turkey by the Civil Engineering Department / the University of Technology in cooperation and participation with the İTÜ University from 7 to 9 October 2019. The Conference was held in the presence of a representative of the President of the University of Technology and the representative of the President of the İTÜ University and the Head of Civil Engineering Department.

During the conference, 200 research projects were conducted in the fields of: 

1. Structural Engineering.
2. Building Materials Engineering.
3. Structural Projects Management Engineering.
4. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.
5. Highways and Airports Engineering.
6. Geomatics istanbul escort Engineering (Surveying, Photogrammetry, and Remote Sensing).
7. Sanitary and Environmental Engineering.
8. Water Resources Engineering.
9. Sustainable Developments in the Building and Construction and Environment Sectors.
10. Applications of Nanotechnology in Building and Construction and Environmental.





